The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of the law.
Deuteronomy 29:29

Sunday, July 29, 2007

A Thankful Heart

Tonight Daniel thanked Jesus for "the fingernails on the dinosaurs" and "Diplotocus bones" -- I think as a result of the dinosaur museum we visited in Canon City this weekend.

Friday, July 20, 2007

They're Finally On!!

I realize that no one but my sister really wants to see pictures of my teeth, but it's exciting stuff for me so I'm going to write about it! I have HATED my teeth for as long as I can remember... so after several years of looking at and considering orthodontics, I finally got braces!

The BEFORE Picture

~ I never had a permanent right lateral (the tooth between your front and canine) so my mid-line is off, plus the fact that it just looks silly with that tooth missing.

~ The lateral on the left side will be removed because it is deformed and my canines will be pulled around in place of the laterals. When they are in place, I will see a cosmetic dentist who will reshape them to look like laterals.

~ It turns out I have slight TMJ, which may explain my occassional migranes. Correcting my bite will hopefully get rid of those. So, it's not just vanity for which I am doing this!

At the mercy of Dr. Karlin... who is wonderful, by the way!
If you live in the south Denver area and need braces:
Karlin Orthodontics
Highlands Ranch Town Center
(I said I'd give free advertising for letting me take pictures!)
His assistant, Erin is equally as wonderful. Every appointment has been on time and I always feel like they have been waiting all day for me and are excited to see me. It's good going to a place I like since I will be seeing them every four weeks for the next two years.
After getting my wisdom teeth removed and a crown replaced, the first thing Dr. Karlin did was put "spacers" in my molars. These are thick, rubber chunks that go between the teeth in order to create space for metal bands to go around them. I had to wear them for a week and they were terrible!! Everyone says that is the worst part. So far, that's true because my braces went on last Wednesday and it hasn't been too bad. The only thing is that because they are changing my bite, I can't bring my back molars together making it impossible to grind stuff. I'm eating a lot of yogurt and drinking smoothies! But they said that should go away in a week and I'll learn how to chew again.
All I can say about it so far is that braces are PAINFUL, ANNOYING and EXPENSIVE, but I'm happy to have it started. I better look like Christie Brinkley when this is all over with!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Hiking on a Summer Day

We have been able to do a lot of hiking this Summer. Caleb is finally able to sit up in a backpack, which lets us go for longer hikes. A couple weekends ago we went hiking at Reynolds Park near Conifer, CO. The hike was only four miles round trip. Not that long until you put a kid on your back, start at 8,000 ft. elevation and gain another 800 ft. before reaching the top! It was a great work out!! In fact, Patrick and I had a sitter coming that night to watch the kids so we could go out, but we were SO tired, we cancelled and just stayed home.

Patrick and Daniel enjoying a little rest at the top of the mountain.

The view from where we stopped to picnic was incredible and worth the climb. We could see all the way to Pike's Peak! I packed a wonderful, tasty meal if I do say so myself, but I've decided that for the next big hike I am getting all the light-weight, pre-packed food from REI. It was heavy!!

While we were hiking we came across some areas where the bark had been scraped off the pine trees. Patrick explained to Daniel that those were stops where the elk or deer had been rubbing their antlers, called an "Elk (or deer) Rub." Later on while we were eating lunch, Daniel picked up two sticks on his own and started rubbing the pine tree. He turned to me and said, "Look, Mommy, I making a elk rub!"

Caleb can't sit up well on his own yet, and I didn't want him rolling down the mountain so he just had to watch us eat from the comfort of his packpack! He was his happy, usual self!

Caleb finally got free and had some fun time with Daddy!

Every little boy needs a good stick!

Caleb has figured out the best way to get up the mountain. Now... it they only made adult-sized backpacks -- that's the way I'd go!

Meet Our Friends...

Here are some of our friends in Colorado:
Hollie & Jeremy with their two girls. Daniel has a thing for older women, so he loves their oldest daughter to pieces!

Daniel's friend Jonah eating an icecream cone on our deck. I watch Jonah and his little brother once a week. Daniel enjoys this playtime with another boy.

Jennifer and Neil are new to Colorado. They introduced us to our church, Adullam. Their son, Cole, likes to pose about as much as Daniel does!

Heather and Jeremy, our first Colorado friends!!

We are so blessed with the people in our lives here!! We have many more friends, we just don't have pictures of them...