Patrick and Daniel enjoying a little rest at the top of the mountain.

The view from where we stopped to picnic was incredible and worth the climb. We could see all the way to Pike's Peak! I packed a wonderful, tasty meal if I do say so myself, but I've decided that for the next big hike I am getting all the light-weight, pre-packed food from REI. It was heavy!!

While we were hiking we came across some areas where the bark had been scraped off the pine trees. Patrick explained to Daniel that those were stops where the elk or deer had been rubbing their antlers, called an "Elk (or deer) Rub." Later on while we were eating lunch, Daniel picked up two sticks on his own and started rubbing the pine tree. He turned to me and said, "Look, Mommy, I making a elk rub!"

Caleb can't sit up well on his own yet, and I didn't want him rolling down the mountain so he just had to watch us eat from the comfort of his packpack! He was his happy, usual self!

Caleb finally got free and had some fun time with Daddy!
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