The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of the law.
Deuteronomy 29:29

Friday, December 5, 2008

Patrick came home last night with a ski helmet and goggles for Daniel. Daniel will be taking ski lessons for the first time next week. I admit, I'm a little apprehensive about him starting to ski. #1 - It means he's growing up, which is never easy for Mommy. It seems like we've been counting down the years to when he would ski ever since I found out I was pregnant with him. We would always say, "Winter 2009. He's going on the slopes whether he's ready or not!" Now it's actually arrived. Kind of snuck up on us. #2 - How does one keep track of a tiny four year old on the ski slopes? One who is likely to ski faster than you, which brings me to apprehension #3 - My ski days are going to stink from here on out for a little while because either, he's terrible and we spend the entire day on the slopes trying to get him down the mountain or, he's terrific and really shows Patrick and I up and we head back for lessons ourselves.

In all seriousness, I'm actually excited to be taking this step together as a family. Skiing is such a love for Patrick and me. We believe that in heaven we'll be able to ski at 65 degrees (the snow won't be melting at that temp). I think we are going to create a lot of fun memories in the mountains.

Oh, back to the above picture... I found an old bike helmet in the garage for Caleb, who must do everything his big brother does. Therefore, Daniel wearing a helmet equals Caleb wearing a helmet.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Too cute. Hey, I've skiied in 65 degree weather before.. it's called California! Although the girls going down the hill in bikini tops can be a bit distracting for some....