My problem is that I try to do everything right... or near perfect and if I can't do that then I just end up doing nothing. Basically, that is what has happened to my blog. Seems like there just isn't time enough for putting pictures on the Internet and writing clever stories about them. So what ends up happening is I think I have to put pictures up on my blog in chronological order, (maybe it's a New Tribes thing... and only you New Tribers get what I just said...) say just the right thing and so when I get behind I get overwhelmed... and again, end up doing nothing. But I had the wonderful opportunity to spend several days with my very best friend from high school this past week and she told me how much she misses me not keeping my blog updated. (Who knew? Someone other than my mom actually reads it!) My response was that if she'd get herself on Facebook she'd be updated because all my pictures at least are there, but that's a whole other issue! So, I've decided to just start with this week. Pictures from Christmas, Valentine's Day and Easter may or may not make it on here... and that's okay... it's better than doing nothing!
This week I'm starting with the trip I just took to see my best friend, Kayla who lives just north of Wichita, KS. It's about a seven hour drive from Denver. Patrick had a five day business trip so I loaded up the boys and went! It was well-worth the looooonnnng drive with three little boys to spend the time with her and her family.
My plan is to put up a few more pictures from the trip later today...
Yay, for visiting best friends! And, I read your blog-when it's updated =) Love and miss you guys!
I too am a fan of you. :) How fun to have girlfriends with whom to giggle. ;) Looking forward to a Snowy River night.
Finally! The pictures are fun and so was our time together! Thanks so much for driving all the way out here to see me. It was great to get caught up again. Talk to you in about 10 months. Well, maybe I will call you on your birthday.=)Kayla
I'm a fan of your blog. It helps me to know what Remington might do as a little boy! But I completely understand how hard it is to keep updated. I too am not as up-to-date and organized as I should be with my blog. At least you put your photos on Facebook, I can't even say that! Hang in there my friend! We still love you and your family, even if you blog isn't updated often!
you are so glad you convinced me to start mine up again, and i personally don't think you need pictures in every post, i am sure people still love to hear what is going on. I didnt have yours on my feed for some reason, but I just added it
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