I'm back-tracking a little here to tell you some about our Summer...
This August we got to spend ten days with Patrick's parents in Old Hickory, Tennessee. The purpose of the trip was to celebrate Ann and Forrest Wilson's 50th Wedding Anniversary. Our sister-in-law, Suzanne (event planner/designer/Martha Stewart's mentor extraordinaire) put together a beautiful reception, complete with a recreation of Ann and Forrest's original wedding cake.

Forrest and Ann next to a replica of their origional wedding cake!
I was thoroughly amazed at the number of people that came. 400?? Forrest introduced me to someone that he had known since he was in the second grade! It was neat to see the relationships they have as a result of having roots in one town for so long. Forrest also introduced me to a lady that was "new to Old Hickory" -- she'd only lived there eight years! And I got to meet so many people that had a huge impact on Patrick and his brother's lives while they were growing up.

Steven, Ann, Forrest and Patrick

Daniel and Caleb were a huge hit at the party. They were pretty much an extension of the recieving line. And they held it together so well!

Either a rare moment of affection toward Caleb or "psst... you distract them, I'll go for the cake."
The boys with their Grandaddy!
The Wilson daughter in laws...
Trina, Deborah and Suzanne
It was a wonderful day. I think Forrest and Ann felt truly honored and that was the goal.
Daniel getting to watch Cars on Mommy's iPod while everyone else cleaned up. The boys were so good!
Oh yeah, and at the very end of our trip, we found out that I'm going to have to rename this blog, "Wilsons 5 of Colorado!"