One of January's biggest highlights was Caleb's first steps (I realize this isn't a pictue of Caleb walking, but it's a cute picture of him and Daddy). Daniel took his first steps about a week before his first birthday. So when Caleb still wasn't walking at fourteen and a half months, we didn't think it would ever happen. However, there is one thing we have learned about Caleb. Caleb doesn't do something unless Caleb wants to do that something. We figured he could walk. He just didn't want to. And then one night as Patrick and I were sitting on the couch we saw Caleb let go of the couch on one side of the room and walk completely across to the couch on the opposite side. We had never seen him take a step and his first time was 8-9 steps in a row! Little Stinker!! Of course, we all clapped and cheared and Daniel kept urging his little brother to take some more steps. Despite basking in the glory of his accomplishment, we did not see Caleb take another step for a week! Now, two months later, he doesn't walk anywhere. He runs!
Another highlight of January and Febuary was taking our annual ski trip. This year we were joined by Howard, Dan, Ralph, Dan and Angel Farran and the Burch Family. And our friends Monica and Jimmy from Colorado Springs joined us for a day. Of course, I didn't ski, but we were staying in a huge, beautiful cabin and I didn't feel like I had to "keep house" so I enjoyed just sitting around reading and doing Sudoku without feeling guilty that I didn't have a load of laundry going.

The huge, beautiful cabin we stayed in. We found it using Vacation Rentals By Owner ( By waiting until the "last minute" we were able to negotiate a great rate.

Daniel's new best friend, Evan. They were inseparable and invented many new games with the pool and fuzeball tables. And another game, which involved dropping various objects from the third floor into the stairwell.
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