The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of the law.
Deuteronomy 29:29

Monday, March 17, 2008

Gushin' A Little on Caleb

Caleb is a sweetheart. It's been fun to see how different his personality is from Daniel. I've probably said this before, but your second kid comes out, pretty much looks like the first kid did so you think it's going to be the same. About two weeks into it, your realize -- this is a completely different ballgame!! For one, Caleb is fiercely independent. And compliance just isn't worth it sometimes. For example, he knows how to sign "please" so we will require him to make the sign before getting a snack, milk, etc. Most of the time, he looks from you to the item of desire, back to you and then walks away. It's just not worth it... We are preparing ourselves for battle!!

But one of the things we love about Caleb is he is so cuddly! There were times when Daniel was little that Patrick would hope he would feel bad because the only time Daniel would cuddle was if he was sick. Caleb will find a lap anywhere and plop down in it. He walks over and just assumes he'll be picked up. He loves to go to the book shelf, pull off his favorite read and bring it to you. Again, assuming that you will drop whatever you are doing and read for hours. He loves books!

He is also trying to copy his big brother. Trying to put on his own shoes. Take off his own clothes at bathtime. The other night I found him trying to put on a pair of Daniel's underwear! Last night he found the hood to Daniel's winter jacket and tried putting it on. After a series of failed attempts he brought it to me. I have no idea why he wanted to wear it. But I put it on and he walked around for 30 minutes before we had to remove it so he could go to bed.

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